Data Access


Basic usage

You can filter the returned rows by specifying conditions on columns. Each condition is a separate query string parameter.

curl http://localhost:3000/rest/todos?id=gt.10

Logical AND

Multiple conditions can be logically conjoined (WHERE cond1 AND cond2 ...)

curl "http://localhost:3000/rest/todos?id=gt.10&completed=eq.false"

Logical OR

Multiple conditions can also be disjoined (WHERE cond1 OR cond2 ...) by using the reserved query parameter or=

curl "http://localhost:3000/rest/people?or=(first_name.eq.John,last_name.eq.Smith)"

Complex logic

Complex filtering logic can also be used (WHERE cond1 AND (cond2 OR cond3) ...) by combining the reserved query parameters or= and and=

curl "http://localhost:3000/rest/people?and=(id.gte.1000,or(first_name.eq.John,last_name.eq.Smith))"



These operators are available:

AbbreviationIn PostgreSQLMeaning
gt>greater than
gte>=greater than or equal
lt<less than
lte<=less than or equal
neq<> or !=not equal
likeLIKELIKE operator (use * in place of %)
ilikeILIKEILIKE operator (use * in place of %)
inINone of a list of values, e.g. ?a=in.(1,2,3) – also supports commas in quoted strings like ?a=in.("hi,there","yes,you")
isISchecking for exact equality (null,true,false)
fts@@Full-Text Search using to_tsquery
plfts@@Full-Text Search using plainto_tsquery
phfts@@Full-Text Search using phraseto_tsquery
wfts@@Full-Text Search using websearch_to_tsquery
cs@>contains e.g. ?tags=cs.{example, new}
cd<@contained in e.g. ?values=cd.{1,2,3}
ov&&overlap (have points in common), e.g. ?period=ov.[2015-01-01,2021-02-30] – also supports array types, use curly braces instead of square brackets e.g.
sl<<strictly left of, e.g. ?range=sl.(1,10)
sr>>strictly right of
nxr&<does not extend to the right of, e.g. ?range=nxr.(1,10)
nxl&>does not extend to the left of
notNOTnegates another operator, see below

To negate any operator, prefix it with not

?id=not.eq.2 or ?not.and=(id.gte.10,id.lte.100)

The fts filter operator has a number of options to support flexible textual queries. It supports the choice of plain vs phrase search and the language used for stemming.

The following examples illustrate the possibilities where the column body from the table articles is of type tsvector.





The availability of phrase search mode and websearch_to_tsquery depends on your PostgreSQL version

Filtering embedded relations

When the result contains rows from the tables related to the current table (that were requested using the select= query parameter), it's possible to filter the returned related rows similar to their top level counterparts. To accomplish that, one needs to prefix the column name from the related table with the relation name.

curl "http://localhost:3000/rest/projects?select=name,tasks(name)&tasks.completed=eq.false"

The filters on embedded relations act only on their level, they have no effect on the level above, i.e. in the example above, the response will contain the projects that have no "active" tasks.

For an extended list of filtering capabilities see PostgREST and Supabase documentation.
