Data Access


Deleting rows is performed by issuing DELETE requests.

Delete one row

Deleting one row is done by performing a DELETE request and providing the filtering condition on the primary key that uniquely identifies the row

curl -X DELETE \

Deleting multiple rows

Deleting multiple rows is done by performing a DELETE request and providing the filtering condition

curl -X DELETE \

Receive the deleted row columns

In some cases, it's desired to receive in the response some columns of the deleted rows.

To achieve this result one must include the Prefer: return=representation header with the DELETE request. In almost all cases, this header is used in combination with the select query parameter to avoid fetching all the columns of the deleted row.

curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Prefer: return=representation' \

When deleting a single row, in order to receive back a json object representing the row (instead of a json array with a single item) include the Accept: application/vnd.pgrst.object+json header.

curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Prefer: return=representation' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.pgrst.object+json' \